Why are You so good to me?
Why are You so good to me?
You must see a treasure hidden
Why are You so good to me?


This is more than I deserve
This is more than I deserve
Overwhelming grace I could never
This is more than I deserve


In the morning
I will sing of how
You love me
In the evening
I will bless Your name
It’s amazing
When I think of the way
You saved me
Every breath I breathe is for
Your praise



I love how You loved me first
I love how You loved me first
You called me from the grave
And pulled me from the dirt
I love how You loved me first


You called me from the grave
And pulled me from the dirt
I love how You loved me first


In the morning
I will sing of how
You love me
In the evening
I will bless Your name
It’s amazing
When I think of the way
You saved me
Every breath I breathe is for
Your praise



Oh how great the love of the Father
Oh how great the gift of the Son
Oh how great the power of Jesus
What a Savior
What a Savior


Oh how great the love of the Father
Oh how great the gift of the Son
Oh how great the power of Jesus
What a Savior
What a Savior
I was lost in sin and You found me
Hallelujah You saved my soul
I was dead and gone and You raised me
What a miracle
What a miracle


In the morning
I will sing of how
You love me
In the evening
I will bless Your name
It’s amazing
When I think of the way
You saved me
Every breath I breathe is for
Your praise



Oh how great the love of the Father
Oh how great the gift of the Son
Oh how great the power of Jesus
What a Savior
What a Savior
I was lost in sin and You found me
Hallelujah You saved my soul
I was dead and gone and You raised me
What a miracle
What a miracle


What a miracle
What a miracle


What a miracle
What a miracle


What A Miracle (Feat. Chris Brown) - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

The song "What A Miracle" by Elevation Worship featuring Chris Brown is a beautiful testament to God's unending love and grace. It echoes the sentiments found in Ephesians 2:4-5, "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." The lyrics of the song and this verse both speak to the transformative power of God's love, a love that sees the hidden treasure in us, even when we are buried in the dirt of our sins.

The song's chorus, "In the morning, I will sing of how You love me. In the evening, I will bless Your name. It’s amazing when I think of the way You saved me. Every breath I breathe is for Your praise," is a beautiful reflection of Psalm 34:1, "I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." This connection between the song and scripture reminds us that our lives should be a continuous song of praise to God, acknowledging His love and the miracle of salvation.

The bridge of the song, "Oh how great the love of the Father. Oh how great the gift of the Son. Oh how great the power of Jesus. What a Savior. What a Savior. I was lost in sin and You found me. Hallelujah, You saved my soul. I was dead and gone and You raised me. What a miracle. What a miracle," resonates with Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse and the song's lyrics both emphasize the magnitude of God's love and the miracle of our salvation.

As we listen to this song and reflect on these scriptures, we are reminded of the depth of God's love for us and the miracle of His grace. We are called to live our lives in constant praise and gratitude for His love and salvation. 

So, let's ponder this: How can we live our lives as a continuous song of praise to God? How can we show gratitude for His love and the miracle of His grace in our daily lives? This song and these scriptures remind us that every breath we breathe should be for His praise. Let's strive to live our lives in a way that reflects this truth.