There’s a lot of talk
goin’ ‘round town
I hear a lot of people running
their mouths
Every word like an anchor just
bringing them down, down, down


We’ve all been looking for a
silver lining
Something to hold on
To when hopes been hiding
I know a place where you can go
If you wanna find it


This is the good news
If you’re breathing,
It’s for you
An empty grave
To a life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus Name
If you’ve been searching
And nothings been working
I’ve got good news
Jesus Loves You



Open up your eyes
and look around you
This is a place
where your freedom is found
Take a minute, Breathe it in
Watch your life turn upside down


This is the good news
If you’re breathing,
It’s for you
An empty grave
To a life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus Name
If you’ve been searching
And nothings been working
I’ve got good news
Jesus Loves You



No matter what you bring
Oh He’s in love with you
No matter your history
Oh He's in love with you
No matter your unbelief
Oh He's in love with you
From now ‘til eternity
He’s still in love with you


He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you


This is the good news
If you’re breathing,
It’s for you
An empty grave
To a life that’s changed
It all points to Jesus Name
If you’ve been searching
And nothings been working
I’ve got good news
Jesus Loves You


No matter what you bring
Oh He’s in love with you
No matter your history
Oh He's in love with you
No matter your unbelief
Oh He's in love with you
From now ‘til eternity
He’s still in love with you


He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you


He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you
He’s still in love with you

Good News - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

The song "Good News" by Maverick City Music is a beautiful reminder of the unchanging love of Jesus Christ. It echoes the sentiments found in Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

The lyrics of the song speak of the struggles we face in life, the search for hope, and the ultimate realization that our freedom and hope are found in Jesus. This aligns with the message in the book of Romans, where Paul assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. 

The chorus of the song proclaims, "This is the good news, If you’re breathing, It’s for you... If you’ve been searching and nothing's been working, I’ve got good news, Jesus Loves You." This is a powerful affirmation of God's love for us, regardless of our circumstances or our past. It resonates with the promise in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

The bridge of the song reiterates, "No matter what you bring, Oh He’s in love with you, No matter your history, Oh He's in love with you, No matter your unbelief, Oh He's in love with you, From now ‘til eternity, He’s still in love with you." This echoes the sentiment in Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The song and these scriptures remind us that God's love is not conditional on our actions, our past, or our faith. His love is constant, unwavering, and eternal. 

As we reflect on the lyrics of this song and the corresponding scriptures, let us ask ourselves: How does the knowledge of God's unchanging love impact our daily lives? How can we live in a way that reflects our understanding and acceptance of this love? How can we share this good news with others who may be searching for hope and love? 

In the midst of our struggles, let us remember the good news: Jesus loves us. His love is not dependent on our circumstances, our past, or our faith. His love is constant, unwavering, and eternal. And that, indeed, is the best news of all.