
Verse 1

I was walking the wayside
lost on a lonely road
I was chasing the high life 
tryna satisfy my soul
All the lies I believed in
left me crying like the rain
Then I saw lightning from
Heaven, and I've never
been the same


I'm gonna climb a mountain
I'm gonna shout about it
I am a child of love
I found a world of freedom
I found a friend in Jesus
I am a child of love

Interlude 1

Verse 2

I've felt the sting of the fire
but I saw You in the flames
Just when I thought it was over
You broke me out of the grave


I'm gonna climb a mountain
I'm gonna shout about it
I am a child of love
I found a world of freedom
I found a friend in Jesus
I am a child of love

Refrain (2X)

Yeah yeah (Yeah), oh (Oh)
I am a child of love

Bridge (2X)

Nothing can change the way
You love me
Nothing can change the way
I belong to You, yes, I do
Nothing can separate


I'm gonna climb a mountain
I am a child of love
I found a world of freedom
I am a child of love


I'm gonna climb a mountain
I'm gonna shout about it
I am a child of love
I found a world of freedom
I found a friend in Jesus
I am a child of love


Yeah yeah (Yeah),oh (Oh)
I am a child of love
I am a child of love

Child Of Love - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

"Child of Love" by We The Kingdom is a powerful anthem of transformation, redemption, and divine love. It echoes the sentiments of the lost being found, the broken being healed, and the enslaved finding freedom in the love of Jesus. This song resonates deeply with the biblical passage from Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the prodigal son. Just like the wayward son in the parable, the song's protagonist was lost, chasing the high life, and believing in lies that left him in despair. But then, a divine intervention, akin to the prodigal son's moment of realization, changes everything. 


The chorus of the song, "I'm gonna climb a mountain, I'm gonna shout about it, I am a child of love," is a joyful proclamation of newfound identity in Christ. This mirrors the joyous celebration that ensues when the prodigal son returns home. The father in the parable, symbolic of our Heavenly Father, exclaims in Luke 15:24, "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." The song and the parable both emphasize the transformative power of divine love and grace.


The second verse of the song speaks of experiencing pain but seeing God in the midst of it, and just when all hope seemed lost, experiencing a resurrection of sorts. This aligns with the biblical truth found in Psalm 34:18, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." The song's bridge, "Nothing can change the way You love me, Nothing can change the way I belong to You, yes, I do, Nothing can separate," is a powerful affirmation of Romans 8:38-39, which assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God.


As we reflect on the lyrics of "Child of Love" and the corresponding biblical passages, we are reminded of our identity as children of God, loved unconditionally, and saved by grace. We are encouraged to climb our mountains, face our challenges, and shout about God's love and goodness, just as the song inspires us to do.


Now, let's pause for a moment of reflection. How does knowing you are a child of love, unconditionally loved by God, change the way you face your mountains? How does this truth influence your daily life, your decisions, your relationships, and your perspective on challenges? As you ponder these questions, may you be reminded of your identity in Christ and the freedom that comes with being a child of love.