You’ve been better to me
Than I could ever have hoped You
would be
You took the mess that I was
And You have done some incredible
You’ve been better to me
Than I could ever have hoped You
would be
You took the mess that I was
And You have done some incredible


You always knew there was a better
me But You loved me like I was
Filling up the spaces in between
You’ve always been enough


Nobody else as good
Nobody else as kind
Nobody else would lay their life
Down on the line
Nobody else could do it
Even if they tried
Nobody else could come and save me
every time


You’ve been just that good,
You’re good to me
You’ve been just that good,
So good to me
Lord without Your love
Where would I be
Oh my God You’ve sure been
Good to me



You are making me into something
That I would never have seen
You are doing exceedingly more
Than I could ever have dreamed
You are making me into something
That I would never have seen
You are doing exceedingly more
Than I could ever have dreamed


You always knew there was a better
me But You loved me like I was
Filling up the spaces in between
You’ve always been enough


Nobody else as good
Nobody else as kind
Nobody else would lay their life
Down on the line
Nobody else could do it
Even if they tried
Nobody else could come and save me
every time


You’ve been just that good,
You’re good to me
You’ve been just that good,
So good to me
Lord without Your love
Where would I be
Oh my God You’ve sure been
Good to me



You didn't have to take my sin
But You did and I won't forget it
You didn't have to call me friend
But You did and I won't forget it
And I'm praising You because
You didn't leave me like I was
You didn't have to save my soul
But You did and I won't forget it


You didn't have to take my shame
But You did and I won't forget it
You didn't have to call my name
But You did and I won't forget it
And I'm praising You because
You didn't leave me like I was
You didn't have to save my soul
But You did and I won't forget it


You didn't have to die for me
But You did and I won't forget it
You didn't have to set me free
But You did and I won't forget it
And I'm praising You because
You didn't leave me like I was
You didn't have to save my soul
But You did and I won't forget it


And I'm praising You because
You didn't leave me like I was


You’ve been just that good,
You’re good to me
You’ve been just that good,
So good to me
Lord without Your love
Where would I be
Lord without Your love
Where would I be


Lord without Your love
Where would I be


Oh my God You’ve sure been
Good to me

Sure Been Good (Feat. Tiffany Hudson) - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

The song "Sure Been Good" by Elevation Worship is a heartfelt testament to God's unending love and grace. It echoes the sentiments found in Ephesians 2:4-5, "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved." The lyrics of the song and this verse both acknowledge the transformative power of God's love, which takes us from our messy, sinful state and turns us into something beautiful and worthy.


The song's chorus, "Nobody else as good, Nobody else as kind, Nobody else would lay their life down on the line," is a powerful reminder of the unique love of Jesus, who laid down His life for us. This is mirrored in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." The song and the scripture both emphasize the unparalleled sacrifice Jesus made for us, a testament to His love and kindness.


The bridge of the song, "You didn't have to save my soul, But You did and I won't forget it," is a poignant reminder of God's grace. It resonates with Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Both the song and the scripture highlight the fact that God's love is not dependent on our worthiness but is a gift freely given.


The song ends with a powerful declaration, "Oh my God You’ve sure been Good to me." This echoes the sentiments of Psalm 23:6, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Both the song and the scripture affirm the enduring goodness of God in our lives.


Reflecting on these parallels between the song and scripture, we are reminded of the transformative power of God's love and grace. It prompts us to ask ourselves, "How have I experienced God's transformative love in my life? How can I extend this love to others?" This introspection not only deepens our understanding of God's love but also challenges us to be vessels of His love in the world.