I breathe You in I breathe You in
Come fill me Holy Spirit
With Your mighty rushing wind
I breathe You in I breathe You in
When You come all of a sudden
I am strong again


Breathe on me oh breath of God
Flood me with Your living water
Rush through me now
Til my soul overflows



I breathe You in I breathe You in
Come fill me Holy Spirit
With Your mighty rushing wind
I breathe You in I breathe You in
When You come all of a sudden
I am strong again


Breathe on me oh breath of God
Flood me with Your living water
Rush through me now
Til my soul overflows



It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
I feel it coming
All of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
I feel it coming
All of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
I feel it coming
All of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
I feel it coming


No you won’t see wind and
you won’t see rain
But the drought will end
everything can change
All of a sudden I feel it coming
All of a sudden
He will come when you call His name
The Holy One will renew your strength
All of a sudden I feel it coming
All of a sudden


It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
I feel it coming
All of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
It’s gonna come all of a sudden
I feel it coming



All Of A Sudden - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

The song "All Of A Sudden" by Elevation Worship is a beautiful testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. It echoes the sentiments found in John 3:8, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." Just as the wind is unpredictable and powerful, so too is the Holy Spirit. It can come all of a sudden, filling us with strength and renewing our faith.

The lyrics, "I breathe You in I breathe You in, Come fill me Holy Spirit, With Your mighty rushing wind," resonate with the biblical passage in Acts 2:2, "Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting." This verse describes the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, filling them with divine power. The song captures this same sense of anticipation and longing for the Holy Spirit's arrival.

The chorus, "Breathe on me oh breath of God, Flood me with Your living water, Rush through me now, Til my soul overflows," is a plea for the Holy Spirit's presence and influence. It mirrors the sentiment in Ezekiel 36:26-27, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws." The song and these verses both express a desire for the Holy Spirit to transform us, to breathe new life into us, and to guide us in our spiritual journey.

The song's bridge, "It’s gonna come all of a sudden, I feel it coming, All of a sudden," is a powerful reminder of the unpredictability and suddenness of the Holy Spirit's arrival. It aligns with the biblical account in Acts 2:2, where the Holy Spirit's arrival was sudden and unexpected. This suddenness is not to be feared but anticipated with joy, for it brings renewal and strength.

Reflecting on these connections between the song and scripture, we are reminded of the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. It prompts us to ask ourselves: Are we open to the Holy Spirit's sudden and powerful influence in our lives? Are we ready to breathe in the breath of God, to be flooded with His living water, and to let our souls overflow with His love and grace? This song and the corresponding scriptures challenge us to be receptive to the Holy Spirit's work in our lives, to anticipate its arrival with joy, and to allow it to transform us from the inside out.