Blessed are those who run to Him
Who place their hope and confidence
In Jesus
He won’t forsake them
Blessed are those who seek His face
Who bend their knee and fix their
gaze on Jesus
They won’t be shaken


Come on and praise the Lord with me
Sing if you love His name
Come on and lift your voice with me
He’s worthy of all our praise


Blessed are those who walk with Him
Whose hearts are set on pilgrimage
with Jesus
They’ll see His glory
Blessed are those who die to live
Whose joy it is to give it all for
And for Him only


Oh Jesus all for Your glory


Come on and praise the Lord with me
Sing if you love His name
Come on and lift your voice with me
He’s worthy of all our praise
Come on and bring your offering
Sing if you’ve known His grace
Come on and lift up your holy hands
He’s worthy of all our praise


Bless God in the sanctuary
Bless God in the fields of plenty
Bless God in the darkest valley
Every chance I get
I bless Your name
Bless God when my hands are empty
Bless God with a praise that costs me
Bless God when nobody’s watching
Every chance I get
I bless Your name
Bless God when the weapon’s forming
Bless God when the walls are falling
Bless God ‘cause He goes before me
Every chance I get
I bless Your name
Bless God for He holds the victory
Bless God for He’s always with me
Bless God for He’s always worthy
Every chance I get
I bless Your name


Every chance I get
I bless Your name
Every chance I get


Come on and praise the Lord with me
Sing if you love His name
Come on and lift your voice with me
He’s worthy of all our praise
Come on and bring your offering
Sing if you’ve known His grace
Come on and lift up your holy hands
He’s worthy of all our praise


Yes, He’s worthy of all
our praise

Bless God - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

"Bless God" by Brooke Ligertwood is a beautiful song that echoes the sentiments of the Psalmist in the Bible. The lyrics of the song remind us of the blessings that come from seeking God, walking with Him, and living for His glory. 


The song begins with the words, "Blessed are those who run to Him, who place their hope and confidence in Jesus." This sentiment is echoed in Psalm 34:8, which says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." The song and the scripture both emphasize the blessings that come from seeking refuge in God and placing our hope and confidence in Him.


The chorus of the song invites us to praise the Lord, to lift our voices and sing if we love His name. This is reminiscent of Psalm 100:1-2, which says, "Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!" Both the song and the scripture invite us to express our love for God through praise and singing.


The bridge of the song encourages us to bless God in all circumstances - in the sanctuary, in the fields of plenty, in the darkest valley, when our hands are empty, when the weapons are forming, when the walls are falling, because He holds the victory and He's always with us. This is a powerful reminder of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which instructs us to "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


The song and the scriptures together remind us of the blessings that come from seeking God, walking with Him, and living for His glory. They invite us to express our love for God through praise and singing, and to give thanks in all circumstances.


As we reflect on the song and the scriptures, let's ask ourselves: Are we seeking God, placing our hope and confidence in Him? Are we expressing our love for God through praise and singing? Are we giving thanks in all circumstances? And most importantly, are we living for His glory? 


The song "Bless God" and the scriptures remind us that our lives should be a continuous act of worship, a constant expression of our love for God, and a constant reminder of His goodness and faithfulness. Let's strive to live our lives in such a way that every chance we get, we bless His name.