There’s an echoing in the Spirit
If you listen closely you’ll hear it
Oh what a sound
As broken shackles hit the floor


There’s symphony in the making
There is freedom here for the taking
Oh what a sound
As broken people are restored


Oh what a sound
Of Your people singing


Here in Your house
Let Your praise be loud
Here in Your house
Let Your joy break out


As our voices fill the room
Do what only You can do
Here in Your house
We’re gonna worship You



There’s a sound that
spans generations
It’s the same no matter the language
Oh what a sound
As we unite to praise the Lord


Oh what a sound
Of Your people singing


Here in Your house
Let Your praise be loud
Here in Your house
Let Your joy break out


As our voices fill the room
Do what only You can do
Here in Your house
We’re gonna worship You



Surely the Lord is
Surely the Lord is in this place
Shout if you wanna
Shout if you wanna give Him thanks
Surely the Lord is
Surely the Lord is in this place
Every blood-bought saint
Come and praise His name


Surely the Lord is
Surely the Lord is in this place
Shout if you wanna
Shout if you wanna give Him thanks
Surely the Lord is
Surely the Lord is in this place
Every blood-bought saint
Come and praise His name



Here in Your house
Let Your praise be loud
Here in Your house
Let Your joy break out


As our voices fill the room
Do what only You can do
Here in Your house
We’re gonna worship You


Here In Your House - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

"Here In Your House" by Gateway Worship is a powerful anthem of praise and worship, a call to gather in God's house and lift our voices in unity. It's a song that echoes the sentiments of Psalm 100:4, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." The song and this verse both invite us to come into God's presence with joy and gratitude, to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.


The lyrics of the song speak of an "echoing in the Spirit," a sound that reverberates through the hearts of believers. This reminds us of Acts 2:2, where the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples with a sound like a mighty rushing wind. The song captures this same sense of awe and wonder, of the power of God moving among His people. 


The song also speaks of broken shackles hitting the floor, a powerful image of freedom and restoration. This resonates with the promise in Isaiah 61:1, where the Lord proclaims liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. The song and this verse both celebrate the transformative power of God's love, His ability to heal and restore us.


The chorus of the song invites us to let our praise be loud and our joy break out in God's house. This mirrors the exhortation in Psalm 150:1, "Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens!" Both the song and this verse call us to express our joy and gratitude in God's presence, to let our voices fill the room with praise.


As we reflect on the lyrics of "Here In Your House" and these corresponding Bible verses, we are reminded of the power of worship, the joy of God's presence, and the freedom we find in Him. We are called to enter His house with thanksgiving, to let our praise be loud and our joy break out.


So, let's ponder this: How can we carry this spirit of worship with us into our daily lives? How can we let our praise be loud and our joy break out, not just in church, but in our homes, our workplaces, our communities? How can we live in such a way that our lives echo with the sound of worship, that our actions reflect the freedom and restoration we have found in Christ? Let's take some time to reflect on these questions and to seek God's guidance in living a life of worship.