I didn’t know the love
But I heard its stories
Took me by surprise
When I saw it coming
Somehow I knew the voice
When I heard it calling
Don’t have it figured it out
But I do know one thing


You can try fighting deny it
But it’s always gonna welcome you
Try running try hiding
It’ll always find a way to you


(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love
(Oh oh oh)
You can’t add it up
It’s better than
I could ever imagine
I could never get enough
(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love



Love does what it does
And it wants to know you
It didn’t need a yes
When it died to save you


You can try fighting deny it
But it’s always gonna welcome you
Try running try hiding
It’ll always find a way to you


(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love
(Oh oh oh)
You can’t add it up
It’s better than
I could ever imagine
I could never get enough
(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love


It’ll never stop knocking
Let it in let it in
It’ll never stop chasing you down
Let it in let it in
Why are you still waiting?
Let it in let it in
Love is never gonna
let you miss out
Let it in let it in


It’ll never stop knocking
Let it in let it in
It’ll never stop chasing you down
Let it in let it in
Why are you still waiting?
Let it in let it in
Love is never gonna
let you miss out
Let it in let it in


(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love
(Oh oh oh)
You can’t add it up
It’s better than
I could ever imagine
I could never get enough


It’s better than
I could ever imagine
I could never get enough
It’s better than
I could ever imagine
I could never get enough
(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love


(Oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh)


I could never get enough
That crazy love
I could never get enough
That crazy love
I could never get enough
That crazy love
That crazy love
That crazy love


(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love
(Oh oh oh)
You can’t add it up
It’s better than
I could ever imagine
I could never get enough
(Oh oh oh)
It’s a crazy love


Crazy Love - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

"Crazy Love" by Maverick City Music is a beautiful song that speaks to the unfathomable, relentless love of God. It's a love that is always there, always knocking, always chasing us down, even when we try to fight it, deny it, or hide from it. This love is so vast and so deep that it's beyond our comprehension, and yet, it's a love that we can never get enough of.


This song echoes the sentiments found in Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This scripture assures us that God's love is unchanging, unyielding, and unstoppable. It's a love that is always there, always welcoming us, always finding a way to us, just like the song says.


The lyrics also remind us of the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:4-7, where Jesus leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost. This is the crazy love of God, a love that never stops knocking, never stops chasing us down. It's a love that is willing to go to great lengths, even death on a cross, to save us and bring us back to Him.


The song and these scriptures invite us to reflect on the depth and breadth of God's love. It's a love that is beyond our understanding, a love that we can't add up or fully comprehend. And yet, it's a love that we can experience, a love that we can let in, a love that we can never get enough of.


So, as you listen to this song and reflect on these scriptures, I invite you to ponder this question: How have you experienced God's crazy love in your life? How has His love chased you down, knocked on your door, and welcomed you in? And how can you let this crazy love transform you and overflow from you to others? Remember, God's love is not just something to be received, but also something to be shared. It's a love that is meant to be given away, just as freely and as crazily as it has been given to us.